"Taikatarinat (Magic stories)" by children from different countries.

Jan 30, 2013

Taikatarina Tenavatuvasta / Taikatarina from Tenavatupa

Kun Zein oli pidättämässä rosvoa, jostain kuului kolinaa.
Kaura siellä paukutteli omaa rumpuansa. Taika harjoitteli taikatemppuja.
Ja sitten sen taikuus onnistui ja ne meni Englantiin sillä taialla.
Sitte niitten taikuus loppu ja niiden piti matkustaa junalla, lentokoneella ja bussilla.
Poliisi oli pidättämässä ja ampumassa rosvoa kun Taika tuli paikalle ja teki taiallansa poliisin kiltiksi ja Taika otti poliisin hatun pois.
Sitten ne meni ravintolaan syömään ja ne näki poliisin vaimon tulevan sisään ja sitten Zein päätti, että mennään Särkänniemeen kattoo delfiinejä ja sen vaimokin tuli mukaan.
Kaura tuli sinne Taian mukana ja Taika taikoi molemmat taas kiltiksi.
Poliisi meni vaimon kanssa urheilulle, juoksemaan. Taika ja Kaura katsoi kun ne juoksi. Sitten ne aatteli, että ne menee mukaan ja ne meni.
Ja sitten Taikan taika onnistui ja ne meni Saksaan. Saksassa ne katto valokuvia ja Zeillä oli laukussaan taulu, johon se kirjoitti mitä ne oli tehny.
Ja sitten Taika taikoi ne Ruotsinlaivalle, jossa ne näki kaikkien lasten kuvat, jotka oli käyny siellä.
Ja sitten ne joi viiniä.
Ja sitten ne meni junalla kotiin ja siellä ne meni nukkumaan. 
Zein heräsi kesken yötä kun sillä oli pissahätä.
Aamulla ne meni leipomoon syömään aamupalaa. Sitten ne meni autolla kauppaan ostamaan ruokaa. Zein meni hakemaan sen lasta päiväkodista. Ja sitten ne meni kotiin. Zein teki patsaan. Sitten ne meni syömään iltapalaa ja meni nukkumaan.

Tarinan ovat kertoneet Camilla, Antti ja Minea

When Zein was arresting a robber, something was rattling.
It was Kaura banging his own drum.
Taika was training magic tricks.
And then her magic worked out, and they went to England by this magic.
Then their magic run out and they have to travel by train, by plane and by bus.
The policeman was arresting and shooting a robber when Taika arrived and made the policeman a gentle with her magic, and Taika took off the policeman's hat.
Then they went to the restaurant to eat and they saw the policeman's wife coming in, and then Zein decided that let's go to Särkänniemi and see the dolphins, and his wife came along.
Kaura came there with Taika, and Taika magicked both of them gentle again.
The policeman went with his wife to sport, to run.
Taika and Kaura watched them as they were running.
Then they thought about they will take part too and so they did.
And then Taika's magic succeeded and they went to Germany.
In Germany they watched photos and Zein had in his bag a board, on which he wrote what they had done.
And then Taika magicked them to the cruise ship to Sweden, where they saw the photos of all the children who had visited the ship.
And then they drank wine.
And then they went home by train and there they went to bed.
Zein woke up in the middle of the night when he had to go to pee.
In the morning they went to the bakery to eat breakfast.
Then they went by car to shop to buy food. Zein went pick up his child from day care center.
And then they went home.
Zein made a statue and then they went to eat evening meal and went to bed.

Camilla, Antti and Minea were the storytellers of this story

Puuhapirtin ensimmäinen tarina / First story from Puuhapirtti


Olipa kerran niin, että Taika meni pyytämään sitä Kaura-kirahvia leikkimään piilosta. Niin sitten tää poliisi meni ottamaan rosvoa kiinni. Kaura-kirahvi pyytää poliisin leikkimään niin se rosvo pääsee sit karkuun.

Sitte tää poliisi sano etten mä kerkee ku mun pitää saada se rosvo kiinni. Se rosvo ois päässy piiloon. Se meni hyvään piiloon.

Taika opetti Zeinia leikkimään paremmin sitä piilosta. Sitten se Kaura tuli sen kanssa opettamaan sitä piilosta. Zein oppi leikkimään piilosta. ja sit se poliisi meni jahtaamaan sitä rosvoa kun ne oli opettanu sitä leikkimään sitä piilosta. Ja kun tää oli oppinu leikkimään sitä piilosta, niin se vangitsi sen rosvon. Se poliisi kiitti sitä Taikaa ja Kauraa kun ne oli opettanu sitä leikkimään piilosta.

Sitten kun tää poliisi sai sen rosvon vangittua niin se meni uudestaan Taikan ja Kauran kanssa leikkimään piilosta.

Sen pituinen se.

A Taika-story

Once upon a time there was so that Taika asked Kaura the Giraffe to play hide and seek. So this police went to catch a robber. Kaura the Giraffe asks the police to play so the robber will get away.

Then the police said that I don’t have the time because I have to catch the robber. The robber would have been able to hide. It went to a great hiding place.

Taika taught Zein how to play the hide and seek better. Then Kaura came with him to teach the hide and seek. Zein learned to play hide and seek. And after he had learnt to play the hide and seek, he captured the robber. The police thanked Taika and Kaura for teaching him to play hide and seek.

After the police had captured the robber he went again to play hide and seek with Taika and Kaura.

The end.

Jan 28, 2013

Kaura, Taika and Zein are playing in the snow

Kaura, Taika ja Zein lumileikeissä

Kaura, Taika ja Zein ei haluis olla ulkona, koska siellä on niin kylmää ja ne vois hukkua sinne lumeen. Yhtäkkiä ne haluaisikin kokeilla liukuria. Ne tippuu siitä ja sitten niille tulee lunta naamaan. Sitten ne haluaa kokeilla mäenlaskua pulkalla. Ne tippuu siitä pää edellä ja sitten ne haluis leikkiä niitten uusien kavereitten kanssa. Zein haluaa lähteä jo sisälle ja Taika on niin kylmissään ja haluaa lähteä sisälle ja Kaurakin lähtee sisälle.

Kaura, Taika and Zein wouldn´t like to be outside because it´s so cold out there and they might get drowned in to the snow.

Suddenly they would like to try a slider. They fall down of it and they get snow into their faces. Then they want to try the sledding. They fall down straight ahead. And then they want to play with their new friends.

Zein wants to go inside allready and Taika is so cold that she wants to go inside and allso Kaura goes inside

Jan 14, 2013

Greetings from Luhtaa!

Our kindergarten, Luhtaan päiväkoti, is big and new, as our unit just celebrated its first birthday! We are located in Tampere, in the middle of Finland. In our kindergarten we have a science room, an art room, a room for playing house and one for building things. We have 5 groups in our kindergarten and our group name is Soinnut. In our group we have 19 kids between 1-5 years and 3 adults. We have a place in the forest that we visit and play at weekly. We also study and examine the nature around us. It's fun to meet friends here and play store and doctor, and we also like to play a lot with legos.

Jan 9, 2013

Let’s go shopping

Lets go shopping

Kaura and Taika decided to go shopping.  But Zein said today is no good.  Taika and Kaura talked about wanting to go badly, Zein said today is special.  They went to Nara by airplane.  They bought chocolate, cookie and snacks.

Then they went to the Nara-park.  There was a mysterious person there.  When he wants to go somewhere, a feather grows from his back and he can fly anywhere.  He is Pegasus-man.  He put Taika on his back when Taika said that she wanted to go to Finland.  It is super-high-speed!  It is like flying like a cheetah runs.  They arrived in Finland in one hour by flight.  When they got there and looked for Toga and Waku, they had gone to the forest.

Mysterious forest

Toga, Waku, Zein, Taika and Kaura went to the mountain.  They decided to stay because it was the evening when they got there.  There was a forest if they went ahead through the mountain path and pitched a tent there.  They built a fire and prepared meals together.  Soup made from mushrooms of the forest and humberger steak made from one big lump of meat which they had put in the rucksack.  It was delicious and they wanted to dance when they ate together.  They ate, danced and laid in their sleeping bags.  When Taika got up early in the morning, she met the Moomin family.  The Moomin family came to look for some mushrooms.

「 おかいものにいこう 」(きなり・あんな→ゆうだい・まさよし)



「 ふしぎなもり 」(ゆうだい・まさよし)
