Hello Tokyo. Your story was very nice. Now we are going to tell you our first own story about Taika, Kaura and Zein.
Kaura has a long neck. Taika is jumping big jumps all around. Zein is trying to mess up the whole world. Taika, Kaura and Zein are travelling to the safari by plain. Kauras home is there. Zeins home is "everywhere" and Taika is living in the forest. Her home is in the middle of the grass and flowers.
they arrive to the safari Zein takes all his friends with him because
he wants to mess up the places faster. But then the night came and they
had to return to the same place they have started. In the night they
sang and after that they decided to go to sleep. In the next morning
Taika and Zein were getting married. And Zein decided that he doesn't
want to mess up the world anymore. He just wanted to go home.
Storytellers and photographers: Tilda (5-year-old girl) and Tiia (5-year-old girl)
Photographer's assistant: Ronja (5-year-old-girl)
Zein is trying to mess up the whole world. |
Kauras home is in the safari. |
Taikas home is in the middle of the grass and flowers. |
Kaura, Taika ja Zein
Kauralla on pitkä kaula. Taika pomppii isoja hyppyjä ympäriinsä. Zein yrittää sotkea koko maailman. Kaura, Taika ja Zein menevät lentokoneella safariin Kauran kotiin. Zein asuu joka puolella. Taika asuu heinikossa metsässä kukkien puolella.
Zein menee ottaan kaikki kaverit mukaan, että se saa nopeammin sotkettua. Mutta sitten tuli yö ja niiden piti palata samaan paikkaan, mistä ne tuli. Ne lauloi yöllä ja sitten ne päätti mennä nukkuun. Sitten tuli toinen aamu ja Taika ja Zein meni naimisiin. Ja Zein halus päättää, ettei se enää halua sotkea koko maailmaa, vaan se meni kotiin.
Tarinan kertojina ja kuvaajina Tilda (5 v) ja Tiia (5 v)
Kuvausassistenttina Ronja (5 v)Photographer's assistant and Taika |